Acupuncture for backache and fertility is not a commonly known. At Holistic Health & Healing we are pleased to be of help for a vast number of conditions, the most common being aches and pains and to assist fertility. Acupuncture as a natural pill-less treatment is known to be of great benefit for pain relief and we see it work time and again. As recent as two weeks ago, we saw this work for a patient who came with main complaints of backache and difficulty falling pregnant. Where previously she would wake up in intense agony, her back feels much more easy and she is also pregnant! It was a lovely surprise considering she only had a few sessions of acupuncture.
This is the testimonial given by her. “I had been searching for remedies for my bad back for many many years and it wasn’t until I came to Monica that something actually worked! Thanks so much! I can’t believe I waited so long before trying Acupuncture!”.
Treating the person is what we do as an acupuncturist. Although we addressed both backache and fertility, to us they are not different issues. They are different symptoms but within the same person. It is the person we treat and not the isolated symptoms. We addressed the imbalance that causes pain, in this case blocked Qi flow, and looked at how to maximize the prospects of helping fertility.
This is one of our amazing success stories, and we endeavour to share many more with you in the days to come. Just to conclude this blog with what Hippocrates said: “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”