Myofascial Release Massage
Specialist Massage Techniques in North Finchley
Myofascial Release is a gentle massage therapy that involves applying sustained pressure to the fascia. Fascia tissue wraps our muscles, bones, nerves and organs, and runs in an uninterrupted web from the top of the head to the tips of the toes.
It’s important to keep the fascia healthy – when it becomes damaged or bound it may cause adhesions, inflammation or scar tissue, and can even cause referred pain in other areas of the body.
How Does It Work?
The Myofascial Release Technique involves feeling into the fascial network and providing a gentle and sustained pressure, which stretches the fascia allowing it to naturally elongate before returning to normal resting length. The fascia should never be forced, but gently coaxed.

What Should I Expect?
Once I have assessed your personal condition, I can identify the precise amount of pressure and traction in order to effectively release your fascia.
Unlike many other forms of massage, no creams or oils are used on the skin. It is also likely that you will be asked to move during the treatment – this is so that you can provide resistance and increase the effect of the fascial stretching.
While undergoing treatment you may experience a gentle tug on the skin, or an itching or tingling sensation – this is a good sign, as it shows that blood is getting into that particular area of the body to assist the healing process.
After your treatment, I may recommend some release work that you can carry out yourself when you get home.
As the fascia is released through massage, the body can self-correct, eliminate pain and restore the best possible optimum performance and movement.
The technique of Myofascial Release is used to treat many conditions, including:
- Back Pain
- Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Pain
- Emotional Trauma
- Frozen Shoulder
- Myofasical Syndrome
- Neck Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Tennis Elbow
- TMJ Syndrome – (clicking jaw)
- Whiplash