It’s time to put your health first with Acupuncture. Welcome to the new year and to North London Acupuncture clinic at Holistic Health and Healing.
If your health has not been 100%, maybe due to tiredness, aches and pains of various sorts, sleep issues, fertility problems, issues with being overweight just being a few examples, it is perhaps time to do something and seek help. It could be a simple case of acupuncture towards balancing the body’s energy and regaining the momentum and equilibrium we need – balance of mind and body. Or it could be a case of one of the massage techniques that I incorporate in my treatments that may be what you need.
Below are just one liners of what Massage I do and how they may benefit you.
There are various options of tuina, (Chinese massage), useful for working on the body to energise, release tension and sore spots in the body. You may find sports and remedial massage for those hard working muscles that tend to do either weight lifting, running or just tight shoulders from office work. Manual lymphatic drainage is a specialised massage treatment to aid the lymphatic system to work better and help build up immunity. Myofascial release is a gentle means of working on body to release tension and tightness and improve mobility.
When it comes to health and wellbeing, if you have your health you are half way there. When you have peace of mind irrelevant of your lifestyle, you have everything.
I would like to add this beautiful and inspiring quote from Stephen Covey:
“Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.”
Has the New Year inspired you to kick start your “to do” lists and get up and get “stuff” done and ticked off the list? If you would like help and assistance to get your health on track, call me on 07956 262416 or schedule an appointment on our Contact Us page.
As an extra incentive, I am offering £10 off your first treatment if you are new to us and want to give us a try.
Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.