Get relief from pregnancy pains with Acupuncture!
It helps ease pregnancy complaints for expecting mothers, and what I am finding is I am seeing more pregnant women who need help at different stages of their pregnancy. From the first trimester, where they need help with morning sickness, nausea, low energy, tiredness, Constipation, backache, suprapubic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, breech presentation and to help with preparation for labour.
Acupuncture is a natural form of treatment which helps with all the above pregnancy related issues. It is also a holistic approach to see how subtle changes can help make a difference. In London life can be quite hectic and having a balancing treatment like Acupuncture can make a difference and can help the mother to enjoy the pregnancy to a certain extent.
It is a pleasure to be able to help the mother enjoy her pregnancy and be more comfortable.
I had a lovely lady age 32 pregnant for the 5th time. She works part time, and has 4 other children to look after. She initially came in to have Acupuncture for help with Colitis which she had been suffering from on and off for 4 years. She had a relapse at 14 weeks of pregnancy and was on steroids. She came to see me at 16 weeks.
Her treatment plan was to come for Acupuncture once a week.
Her digestive complaints improved and she also found a difference in her energy levels and felt relaxed for the week after the session. As the pregnancy progressed she noticed her energy levels stayed up, she had no oedema of the ankles (which she had with all the previous pregnancies), and she had no Carpal tunnel pain in both arms. She had to use splints in the previous pregnancies. This was the icing on the cake as her main reason for having Acupuncture treatment was to help with her colitis.
She was absolute pleasure and joy to treat. No doubt I will see her once she and baby have settled into a routine to keep her symptoms at bay.
Being an Acupuncturist is one of the most rewarding jobs and I enjoy being able to help pregnant women.
If you would like to have a chat with me to see if I can help, feel free to give me a call.