Acupuncture during pregnancy can help with several conditions with which some pregnant women suffer, such as morning sickness, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, and gestational diabetes, back pain, ligament pain, premature cervical ripening, preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension.)
As acupuncturists we are trained to know which acupuncture points are helpful during pregnancy and which points should be avoided. There are certain points on the hands and shoulders, and around the lower leg, ankle, and low back that are contraindicated during most of pregnancy. It’s important to let your acupuncturist know if you are pregnant, or if you think you might be, so that these points are avoided.
Morning sickness and other common first-trimester symptoms are the initial symptoms which can be quite debilitating in early pregnancy. Acupuncture helps and it would be worthwhile trying it.
If you have experienced pregnancy loss in the past, more frequent treatments may be recommended, especially during the first trimester. This is so that you get the sustained support required to keep your body healthy and strong over the course of your pregnancy. Toward the end of any pregnancy, at about week 37, I may suggest coming in more often to help prepare you for labour.
Acupuncture can help prepare you for labour and delivery. Stress is one of the biggest factors that women battle during pregnancy, labour, and delivery. Acupuncture can help significantly with reducing stress and anxiety in these moments.
Acupuncture as after-care for new mums is really important. Fatigue and depression are common symptoms after delivery. Regular acupuncture and moxibustion are great for helping mums recover and regain their strength after giving birth.
If you are pregnant, or are looking to conceive, get in touch with me to find out how acupuncture can help you. Read more on how acupuncture is safe in pregnancy.