So what do I do people ask when I am introduced to them. Other than naming what I do, Acupuncture, and the different sorts of massage, TuiNa, Deep Tissue, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial Release and Sports and Remedial massage, what I should say is I look to restore balance and harmony.
What is balance? That is something we ask ourselves – the balance in life, the balance in health, the balance with everything around us. Below is a lovely video on rebalancing – how it works on so many different things and worth watching. It helps when particularly busy, dealing with the demands of our busy, hectic lifestyles.
During consultation, we establish where the imbalance is and what needs to be done to achieve balance. Health is balance. Prevention is better than cure, is the famous saying. That is what we do – educate and implement. Here is to your Balance in health and life.