Holistic Health & Healing uses natural means such as acupuncture and massage and advises on correct diet and lifestyle.
The saying prevention is better than cure is a way of saying that it is easier to prevent an illness than to treat it. Treatments can be costly, life-changing and sometimes damaging. Therefore, it is often more beneficial from a health, happiness and financial aspect to prevent something rather than allowing yourself to fall ill if there are preventative measures that can be taken.
“What you do Monica is prevent me from taking painkillers and helping my body be as painless and supple as possible”. This is what my lovely 92 year old patient said to me last week. I have been seeing her for 8 years every two weeks, using needles to help her arthritis. She is so inspirational and her entire life has been lived with the notion of mindfulness in all that she did. The background of nursing during the 2nd world war also played a huge part in how she lives her life.
“The correct diet, some exercise and being active” is her claim to good health.She was recently given cholesterol and blood pressure tablets and seems to be upset. But this is great going so far for someone who has led her life in the most natural way.
As a holistic health practitioner, education is key for my patients and she is one inspirational lady and a great example to give to anyone who would like a healthy happy life.
Below says it all!