Try acupuncture with for your aches and pains
How are we doing? How are the New Year resolutions doing? Have we gone back to a “pattern” that we would like to change but finding a struggle? Is it a “food” thing, “exercise motivation” or is it a lack of “pick me up “and go factor?
So we are into the middle of January and if you find it difficult to stay on track with your goals due to pains and aches, try acupuncture.
It is interesting speaking to a friend, a highly motivated lady who does “do”, and makes sure she does! She writes a letter to herself at the beginning of the year of the things she is going to achieve and looks at it at the end of the year, in December. It states all that she is to achieve for that year and I think it is a great way “make it happen”.
In clinic I make patients accountable to me. It is a partnership, and although I am not holding their hand literally, we work together towards their goal to a better “something” health, peace of mind or weight loss, healthier eating pattern, whatever it maybe. It is great to have support and structure to our day, week and life.
I shall conclude with a short quote that inspires me by Robert Collier and a lovely quote on motivation.
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
Keep it up and keep going. We do all reach our goals, especially if we really want to!