Reflecting on the year just gone, I had received quite a few comments/remarks about the benefits of acupuncture from patients and would like to share some with you here.
Here is a brief, but not exhaustive list of what acupuncture can do:
- Decrease stress levels
- Improve immune function
- Promotes youthful appearance
- Provides pain relief
- Improves quality of sleep
- Increase energy levels
- Promotes self-awareness
More than half of the patients that I treat at my clinic require treatment to aid their stress levels. Acupuncture takes the edge off by aiming to achieve balance and harmonise the channels in the body. It calms the nervous system helps cope and manage the stresses and strains in daily life. Regular sessions, even once a month, helps tremendously. I treat carers, nurses, mothers on a regular basis to help cope with daily routines.
Acupuncture can boost the immune system. This is also a preventative measure. A great example is hay fever. Having Acupuncture a few months before the hay fever season commences is a great way of helping build up the natural resistance to disease and helps prevents cold and flu.
“Acupuncture is making me look younger”. This is a common observation by patients who have received comments on their complexion etc.
I often say it is a great side effect of the needles! The skin improves and it begins to be smooth and glowing. Some acupuncturists base their practice entirely on cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation. Celebrities have had acupuncture and love it!
Pain relief
It is a well-known fact that acupuncture is used for all sorts of pain relief. Dealing with the cause of pain is paramount, and addressing it brings about great results. Emotional components could also be a causative factor and treating the pain effectively and holistically is essential.
Quality of sleep
An improvement in the quality of sleep is another observation. Rest is vital for health and although so many people don’t come with insomnia as their main complaint to address, it does happen to be one of the extra rewards. It naturally follows that if stress and pain has lessened, the person would become much more relaxed.
Energy levels
Acupuncture treatments can provide a boost to energy levels. That extra bounce in the step; the fresher feeling on awakening in the mornings, the motivation to exercise, and the ability to focus more are all signs of better vitality.
This leads to a better awareness of one self. When we feel good it is natural to sustain that feeling and we become more in tune with ourselves too. It does lead to a boost in self-confidence and in our lives.