Acupuncture for headaches is a bit unknown for people but it is great for pain relief and is well known for it. People always associate needles to help pain of various sorts. I shall focus on headaches this week, as I treated a lot of them last week!
They say there is a pill for every ill. One of the more natural way of relieving pain is needles for any ache. As an acupuncturist I look at the cause, origin, location, sensation of the pain. It is important to establish the root cause of the problem in order to give a long lasting and even more permanent relief. With pill popping, short term respite may be prominent but that does not mean the headaches are gone forever. Some studies suggest that too many painkillers may actually cause headaches.
Pills are far from the answer to resolve the matter.
Studies show Acupuncture releases endorphins and changes the pain processing in the brain and spinal cord. It reduces inflammation and stimulates the body’s own healing response.
Acupuncture has a cumulative effect and over a course of treatment you will benefit from the life-changing effects not just of fewer headaches but in all areas of your health.
So for long-term benefits try a course of acupuncture instead of popping those pills. It works. Last week, I saw a lady who I treated initially for 6 sessions for headaches due to stress causing upper back pain, causing headaches. She then came for treatments monthly. She was so much better that she did not need further sessions for the headaches. I saw her recently after 4 months of her last acupuncture treatment and she just needed a top up.
Although Acupuncture focuses on the headaches, other imbalances are also treated, to achieve optimum health and healing.
If you suffer from headaches, why not give me a call to see how acupuncture can help you. Learn more about our discounts here.